Description Mix & Match any 12+ Jars in our Canning Kitchen, Save 10% Our guests always...
Description Our classic peanut butter cookie is timeless! Made with creamy peanut butter, brown sugar...
Description Lancaster County's favorite sweet treat! Our soft cake-like chocolate cookies stuffed with rich peanut...
Description Our rich chocolate cookies are stuffed with mini peanut butter chips. You get the...
Description Our delicious fudge recipe combined with silky smooth peanut butter make this fudge every...
Description The best of both worlds, our premium chocolate fudge combined with top of the...
Treat yourself to a giant peanut butter cup with sweet caramel, covered in rich dark...
Treat yourself to a giant peanut butter cup with real bacon, covered in milk chocolate! The...
Go head, you deserve it! Treat yourself to a giant peanut butter cup covered in...
Choosing my favorite butter from our four delicious flavors is like trying to choose my...
Apple Butter may be the most widely known, but Lancaster County has become home to...
When it comes to snacking, there are two options: Savory or Sweet. This box is...
Description Friends of ours insisted we make it. So we did. And then we tried...
Description Yes, chocolate, and peanut butter...and chocolate! A tried and true combination, chocolate peanut butter...
– Sold OutDescription A sweet-hot Peanut Butter. Made with our low-sugar Honey Roasted mixture and St. Lucifer's...
Description Our Peanut Butter Marshmallow Spread is made with roasted peanuts, marshmallow and cream, for...